Bringing together Australian innovators to better gut health.

Sydney based MedTech


Co-Founder & Director

Dr Jerry Zhou

Jerry is an internationally recognised gut health expert. Among other things, Jerry is a lecturer at Western Sydney University and advices a number of charities in Australia, including Gastroparesis Australia and Oesophageal Cancer Awareness Group. Having graduated the NSW Health MDCTP program, Jerry founded Amazing Gut in 2020, assembling a team to create In & Out Trainer. 



Medical Advisor

Dr Vincent Ho, MD

Vincent is a gastroenterologist in the South West Sydney Local Health District. Passionate about challenging taboo gut issues, Vincent advises Amazing Gut to create a global hub of connected medical and lifestyle devices for gut health.


Commercial Advisor

Dr Peter Spencer, MBA

Peter has over 35 years of experience in medical products, among them managing early stage investment at Johnson & Johnson in Australia and the USA. He has had senior executive and non-executive director roles with medical companies including Somnomed Pty Ltd and Nanosonics Ltd, which have developed into profitable publicly listed businesses. 



Technical Advisor

A/Prof Bahman Javadi

Bahman is an internationally renowned expert in connected devices and Cloud computing. Bahman co-founded the Failure Trace Archive, which serves as a public repository of failure traces and algorithms for distributed systems. He serves as a committee member for many international organisations, including IEEE Computer Soceity and ACM. 


Get In Touch with Amazing Gut, today.